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Transitioning of seasons


How can it be mid July already??  Once again, the summer is flying by, and I find myself adding "transition" pieces to our line.  I will be attending a trade show the first week of August to pick out SPRING items!  Ok, I guess that means winter doesn't really last all that long :-) 

I look at it this way....God gave us the seasons so we don't get bored.  Just when we can't take the hot weather anymore, the cool crisp nights of fall begin, and I can sleep with the windows open!  The trees turn a beautiful color, and football takes over the television.  Once the trees are bare, the snow begins to cover them, and makes them a new kind of beautiful.  Winter brings rest to the ground, and sometimes to us when it's just too cold to go out!  Then spring arrives, and things come back to life!  I LOVE this time of year as trees begin to bud, flowers poke their little noses up from the ground, and baby animals of all kinds are born!  Summer returns, and we enjoy trips to the lake, campfires, and the light of long days.  Wow, LIFE IS GOOD!

Enjoy the things of today, and every day :-) 

Until next time....


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