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Fun Day Ahead!

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I am so blessed to have a close family, one that gets along, genuinely cares about each other, and loves to stay in touch!  Several of my aunts (that are in their 80's and 90's) ask me about my business. "How's the business going?"  "What kind of things do you carry?"   "How do you market your items?"  It's not just small talk....I know they truly want to know.

I have one aunt in particular that has always been very fashion conscious.  She always has her nails done, hair & makeup, and dresses in the latest fashion.  She just turned 92, lives in an assisted living community, and still wants to be a trend setter.  I got a letter from her a week or so ago, asking me to bring some of my clothes to her so she could try them.  She said she needs to start a new fad around the assisted living community!  So, today, I get to visit her, and help her find some new spring things to wear.  This will brighten her day, but most likely mine even more! 

Looking forward to this day auntie!

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